Simple Web Based EDI Solution

International Electronic Business III (IEB3) offers simple online EDI transaction processing. Our years of EDI experience enable us to quickly support any Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application, and ready new EDI trading partner in days. Small businesses can integrate on the same level of fortune 500 companies. Not because some large customer demands it. Small business themselves may now realize the benefits of integration and automation with EDI.

For those who prefer in-house solutions, we’d welcome a feature comparison of your in-house software vs. our on-line web-based service. We designed our product to look and feel like in-house EDI software. Our tracking page provides complete visibility and our right click menu gives you power to process data as you see fit.  Its your data, your business and we leave you in control.

Our hosted EDI service provides greater than in-house software functionality.

For the first partner we deploy we’ll have to setup data communications so we can transport files between us and as well integrate our Simple XML with your ERP systems. These both will be one time tasks. The data communications protocol can be whatever you wish. We’ll support any data comm your partners want such as traditional VANs, sFTP, AS2 and https posts.

We provide our clients with a tracking page that gives you complete visibility and control of your transactions, newest on top. Sort on any column. What you need at your fingertips. View all tracked details, source, canonical and output data, related transactions, resend, reprocess, mark acknowledged, adjust pattern keys, see error messages and more. On our test page you can also “Promote to Production”. You can enter ‘filters’ at the top of every column and more to find what you are looking for quickly including unique transaction GUID. Test as well as Production transactions are presented on similar pages in brown vs. green shades to make it less likely anyone could mistake production for test.

…an example of our perspective on building a solution with the understanding of what it will be like to support it.